System Of Care Across Tennessee
Our staff currently provide high-fidelity Wraparound services to children, youth, young adults (0-21) and their families across the state of Tennessee.
About System of Care Across Tennessee (SOCAT)
In partnership with the TN Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services (TDMHSAS) and Centerstone Research Institute (CRI), Tennessee Voices is proud to continue our long history of System of Care work in our state through the System of Care Across Tennessee (SOCAT) initiative. System of Care Across Tennessee (SOCAT) builds on two decades of System of Care experience and focuses on young children, children, youth, and young adults, and their families. SOCAT utilizes the System of Care values and principles while empowering Tennessee families to work together with child-serving agencies as partners to guide their care.
What is Wraparound?
Wraparound is a planning process that follows a series of steps to help children and families realize their hopes and dreams. The Wraparound process also helps make sure children and youth grow up in their homes and communities. It is a planning process that brings people together from different parts of the whole family’s life. The Wraparound process is individualized to the strengths and needs of the children and their family and allows for children and family voice and choice in the process.
Eligibility Requirements
The young child/child/youth/young adult:
- Is between the ages of 0-21;
- Is experiencing emotional or behavioral concerns that affect their daily life (i.e. having trouble in school, with their family, with peers or adults, with law enforcement, or children’s services);
- Is having difficulty or is at-risk of being kicked out of pre-school, child care, school, home, etc;
- Has been, is currently, or is at-risk of psychiatric hospitalization, residential placement, or DCS custody;
- Is willing and interested in participating (if under 16, includes family).
*Additional information will be collected to determine final eligibility for enrollment into services.