About Juvenile Justice Reform

This program is a collaborative effort (to divert families from the further court and DCS involvement) between TN Voices, TDMHSAS, the Montgomery, Robertson, and Sumner County Juvenile Courts. The JJR program is a strength-based and family-driven program that supports children, youth, and families involved in the Juvenile Justice system. In the JJR program, a Family Support Specialist (FSS) and Youth and Family Therapist (YFT) meet weekly with both youth and parents to help them identify strength-based goals that address issues that may be contributing to the youth’s court involvement.

The TARGET evidence based program is provided to youth.  The T-Care evidenced based program is provided parents/caregivers.  These services are delivered through a team comprised of a Family Support Specialist (FSS) and Youth and Family Therapist (YFT)

The FSS provides assistance to the caregiver by providing support and advocacy and models how to build collaborative relationships with providers, assists in navigating systems and connecting with necessary services, facilitates the development of the Child and Family Team, and provides care coordination. The T-Care model is utilized to support learning four skills to effective trauma informed care.

The YFT provides therapy to the youth and family using trauma-informed approaches and an evidence-based model to enhance the affect regulation to stressful or traumatic events. This model is Trauma Affect Regulation: Guide for Education and Therapy (TARGET).  TARGET utilizes psychoeducation and grounding techniques to help youth/families process past, current, and future events while addressing the long-term impact of traumatic stress.

Both the FSP and the YFT can be available to provide support and advocacy at court, in school, and with community providers. The JJR program may provide services to families for up to 4 months and longer depending on the needs of the family and approval from the Child and Family Team.  JJR Program staff ensures that parents and family members are an integral part of the service system at all levels. Families will receive needed support on all levels, parenting skills training, therapeutic skill-building with the family, and other needed services.

Eligibility & Service Areas

This program serves Montgomery, Robertson, and Sumner Counties. This project is funded by the TDMHSAS.

This program serves youth ages 12-18 involved with the Juvenile Courts in Montgomery, Cheatham, Robertson, and Sumner counties.  The Juvenile Justice Reform (JJR) program is in-home services. Families can be referred to the JJR program by Youth Service Officers, Probation Officers, Court Administrators, the Department of Children’s services, and other community members. This project is funded by the TDMHSAS.